Jiangsu Steel Group Co., Limited

Stainless steel manufacturer OEM & ODM

The application of 304/304L stainless steel

Inquiries : 5 - 2014-7-21 11:32:00

                The dual certified 304/304L sheet meets specifications for both 304 and 304L stainless steel, and may be interchanged and used safely for either grades application. 304/304L stainless sheet is available in the common 2B finish (cold rolled on polished rolls, annealed, pickled, and skin passed on polished rolls), and #4 finish (polished with fine abrasive finish, giving a "brushed" look), and is sheared to size for rectangular and square shapes, or can be supplied in rounds, rings, or shapes on our Speedy Metals high definition plasma cutter.

  304/304L is used almost exclusively for parts requiring machining, welding, grinding, or polishing where good corrosion resistance is also required. It is a good general all-purpose stainless grade. Good in corrosive environments as in paper and chemical industries and cryogenic services. Used where corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties are primary requirements. 304/304L is widely accepted in such industries as dairy, beverage, and other food industries where the highest degree of sanitation and cleanliness is of prime importance. Parts for handling acetic, nitric, and citric acids, organic and inorganic chemicals, dyestuffs, crude and refined oils, etc., are fabricated from this material. Because of its lack of magnetism it is highly desirable for instruments. It is also widely used for architectural trim. 304 sheets are used in applications where corrosion resistance is required, but elevated temperatures are not involved. 304/304L finds particular use in applications requiring welding. 304/304L has good drawing, forming, and stamping properties.