Jiangsu Steel Group Co., Limited

Stainless steel manufacturer OEM & ODM

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Contact Us
  • Jiangsu Steel Group
  • Shanghai Office
  • Address:10/F No.257 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai China
  • Zip Code:200135
  • Telephone:+86-021-61730680 61730706 61730737
  • Fax:+86-021-60835898
  • Email:sales@Jiangsusteel.com
  • Web:www.jiangsusteel.com
  • Stainless Steel Material Design & Solutions
  • Address:10/F No.257 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai China
  • Zip Code:200135
  • Telephone:+86-021-31321666 31321888 31321999
  • Fax:+86-021-60835898
  • Email:taizhouhengda@foxmail.com
  • The Factory
  • Address:Dainan Industrial park, Xinghua Jiangsu Province, China
  • Zip Code:225724
  • Telephone:+86-0523-83550000
  • Fax:+86-0523-83990000
  • Email:taizhouhengda@foxmail.com
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